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How To Make A "Fancy" Pen Display Case

 Here's an easy way to display your treasured (fountain) pens. Plus, I'll share my current fountain pen collection with you, if interes…

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Coffee break

I noticed that I tend to lean more on the nutty creamy coffees. Maybe it's that sweet aroma that I like, but I'm looking for new flavors to try, none the less. Any suggestions or favorites? I'd love to know!

Also, I can't believe how busy I've been lately. Upcoming Valentine's Day is really kicking my butt. My friends and I are getting really competitive with our card designs. I want to make sure that every little detail matches up to theirs as any type of handmade art should always be appreciated to the fullest!

My emails have been piling up ( I will get to those soon, though), my Google reader is full of unread posts, and my attention is just elsewhere right now. Losing focus. I guess it also doesn't help that my girlfriends got me hooked on HBO's "Girls." It's like Sex in the City, but more on a relatable scale and minus the over priced fashion. Hooked.


  1. i LOVE k-cups! coffee-wise, the cafe mocha is the best one i have tried so far :)

  2. i forgot to include that i also like their swiss miss hot chocolate ones (they have milk and dark which are both delicious) and their hot spiced apple cider one is pretty good too :)

  3. I don't really like coffee but these ones are "kind of special" I think. Maybe I should try some again because I haven't had coffee for the last 5 years. I'm more of tea girl haha! :D

    Great post!


  4. I've been trying to stop drinking coffee for a while now, but after seeing this post, I really want coffee! Haha


  5. I definitely prefer hazelnut based coffees too. I'm a T-cup girl though :P

  6. your blog is really cool!

  7. My favorite kcup is Golden French Toast which is only available in the winter time. Other favorites are Vermont Country Blend and Wild Blueberry. :)


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