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Make it a great day

Things I do on a regular basis to make the day that much better:

- wake up (without hitting the snooze button)
- stretch out the body
- eat a hearty breakfast
- drink a nice cup of coffee (or tea)
- sit, relax, and be present
- take a warm shower
- listen to motivational audio books (or podcasts)
- wear that favorite outfit
- leave on time if not early
- drive with calmness
- listen to music
- notice the surroundings
- dispel negative thoughts
- be of service to someone
- wear a genuine smile
- wish happiness for others
- be thankful for this day
- repeat


  1. It's funny, I needed to read this list today. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed. Thank you for reading, Megan!

  2. Thanks for sharing. I really need to wake up properly without hating the sound of my alarm clock.^^

    1. I dreaded the sound of my previous alarm clock, too. It was ugly awful and didn't exactly put me in the best of mood, especially right after waking me from my beauty sleep. So I learned a trick: I set my alarm ringtone on my phone now which has an option for singing birds. So now when I wake up, it's to the pleasant sounds of soft mornings chirps. :)

  3. Without snooze is so right! The weather here took a strange turn and went from kinda chilly but okay to freezing in the span of a day in a half, so mornings are not so lovely! But getting up is the right thing to do, warm or not! Being thankful is oh so important as well. Hard to be grouchy when you take a minute to realize what you *do* have. :D

    1. Yes, the winter season is the hardest time for me when it comes to waking up. I just want to snuggle up in my bed and keep wrapped up in the warm blankets! And being thankful for something, if not for the day itself, can really help shape anyone's mindset to a more positive one, I think. If I ever have a day that seems to not go "my way," I sit back, take a moment, and think all of all the other good things that did occur (met up with friends, had a good laugh, scored a cute sweater on sale..).

  4. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. I appreciate you sharing your list. I always keep in mind and sincerely believe Einstein was correct when he said that apathy is the opposite of love. When we appreciate the little things and treat other people with kindness then maybe other people will be inspired by those actions.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts as well! Very much appreciated. Yes, apathy is definitely the opposite of love. Totally agree with that! A few years back I always expected others to treat me with kindness first in order to reciprocate that, but then I realized how upside and all around my thinking was. Now I've realized that just being nice and friendly all the time, no matter what and with no exceptions of others attached, always pays off in the end, at least in my experience.

      I always turn to one of my favorite quotes by Maya Angelou: "I've learned that people will forget what you've said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

  5. LOVE this list! For myself, I also add "take one picture a day of something you love" and "write down one thing every day that you are grateful for" and "play a musical instrument for at least five minutes". Those things also help me stay present, thankful, and sane ; ) Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi Lyssa! What a great idea! I think for 2015, I'll be posting daily pictures within my journal and writing the little things that I'm grateful for. The instrument piece sounds lovely as well. Just need to find one. ;)

  6. Michelle can you recommend some good podcasts? Thanks

    1. Here's one that I've been enjoying:
      And I've also been listening to a few byTai Lopez. For me, I don't have luck finding podcasts that really stick with me, so I just invest in recommended audiobooks. Robin Sharma's books have been playing in my car for the last few weeks. His book, "The Leader Who Had No Title," is now a favorite of mine. You might like it!

  7. Really needed to read this today...thanks! Absolutely love your blog and your instagram xx

    1. Thank you so much, Nicole. It means a lot to me, truly.

  8. DOUBLE thumbs up to this list - I do all of these too - except the first one, because I am so in love with the warm comfiness of my bed. But I think it would be lovely to wake up and jump out of bed with joy for the new day. I'll try it and let you know :) X

  9. This is the perfect list. Thank you so much for sharing.


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